Sabtu, 02 Agustus 2008

The Danger of Calling a Muslim a Secularist

Author: Ash Shaikh, al ‘Alaamah Muhammad Amaan al Jaamee
(may Allah have mercy upon him)
Source: “Al Ajwibatuth Thahabiyyah ‘Alal As’eelatil Minhajiyyah”
Translator: Abu ‘Abdis Salaam Siddiq Al Juyaanee

Q: A questioner asks, “There are some people who label as secularist all those who error and make legislated mistakes (i.e. in the religion). What are the guidelines for using this word, because the usage of this word has become widespread amongst the youth? Also what is the definition of secularism?

A: The widespread usage of this word amongst the people and the labeling of the common folk by way of this word is a tremendous mistake. When you say to a Muslim, “You are a secularist”, this is exactly the same as saying, “You are a Kaafir (disbeliever)”. (This is because) secularism is disbelief. Secularism leaves off all religions without any concern for any (one particular) religion; not islaam, Christianity, Judaism, or any other religion. Whether the true religion or the false religion (to them it’s all the same); it’s nothing but a (false sense)
of freedom in this regard.

Secularism has two faces: Democracy is its political face, so understand this well; whereas socialism is its economic face. Secularism is the mother of filth; (again) secularism is the mother of filth. Secularism is disbelief and the mother of filth. For this reason it is not necessary (or permissible) to just easily label a Muslim who has made a mistake (as a secularist), this is tremendously wrong.